Happy Monday morning to all! :)
I can't believe the first week of April has already gone by and that I haven't posted anything since March 20th. Whoops! My bad, please forgive me for not providing daily entertainment to my fellow audience. I shall do better.
Mornings are wonderful, don't ya think? I have always been a morning person. Mornings are definitely my favorite part of the day because I am given the opportunity to wake up to live another day. I feel more productive at this time because I know I have the entire rest of the day to conquer anything I set my mind to for the day.
You know what else is wonderful about mornings?
My answer: morning prayer, bible reading and worship. This is, by far, the most amazing way to start the day. Words can't describe how breath taking it is to listen to someone you truly care about playing worship songs on the guitar and praising the Lord through those songs and feeling completely calm, collected, and relaxed. Feeling Gods presence with you during a time like this is an amazing feeling.
This will definitely become a daily habit.
When you wake up in the morning, remember to be thankful. Keep your priorities straight and don't forget who sacrificed Himself to forgive us for all of our sins.