Happy Monday morning to all! :)
I can't believe the first week of April has already gone by and that I haven't posted anything since March 20th. Whoops! My bad, please forgive me for not providing daily entertainment to my fellow audience. I shall do better.
Mornings are wonderful, don't ya think? I have always been a morning person. Mornings are definitely my favorite part of the day because I am given the opportunity to wake up to live another day. I feel more productive at this time because I know I have the entire rest of the day to conquer anything I set my mind to for the day.
You know what else is wonderful about mornings?
My answer: morning prayer, bible reading and worship. This is, by far, the most amazing way to start the day. Words can't describe how breath taking it is to listen to someone you truly care about playing worship songs on the guitar and praising the Lord through those songs and feeling completely calm, collected, and relaxed. Feeling Gods presence with you during a time like this is an amazing feeling.
This will definitely become a daily habit.
When you wake up in the morning, remember to be thankful. Keep your priorities straight and don't forget who sacrificed Himself to forgive us for all of our sins.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Bright colors & Fun personalities
Happy Wednesday everyone! :) Hope y'all are having a lovely week thus far and that the rest of your week is just as lovely!
This post is a little after-the-fact, but I felt like sharing today because I have four pictures to include in this post! Last week, I decided to buy my wonderful friend, Stephanie, some flowers & drop them off for her while she was at work. Just a pure act of kindness and wanting to share my love for her! :) She has been such a blessing and just recently walked into my life last month. I absolutely love her and know that we are going to become great friends.
She reminds me so much of my amazing cousin, Hannah. I see Hannah in her every time I am with her and get all happy inside because it's like Hannah is here with me. Hannah if you are reading this right now, I hope you know that I am always thinking about you, every day. And Kelsey, the same goes with you because when I think of Hannah, I immediately think of you :) I couldn't ask for better cousins whom I love and adore so much. Thank you for being so supportive, loving, caring and just being wonderful cousins. I love y'all very much and miss you both like nobody's business.
Back to the flowers story... So I picked up these flowers and dropped them off where Stephanie works right before she left for lunch. I actually almost missed her! It was crazy-good timing because she was literally about to drive off right as I turned the corner! But I made it in just the knick of time :)
I also bought myself a bouquet of colorful flowers in addition to buying Stephanie's flowers! I am all about bright colors whether it's in the flowers I purchase, the clothes I wear, the home apparel my apartment is decorated in, the painting I am creating, the running shoes I buy for working out in, or the food I am cooking. I am very fond of bright & vivid colors because they make me happy.
If you don't mind me saying, I do believe my personality is like an explosion of bright colors. Not to toot my own horn, but I would say my personality is one of my favorite things about me. You can either agree or disagree and I won't mind a bit :) My best friend from high school Lindsay Berg knitted a scarf for me and the note she left along with it said something along the lines of this: "Kelly, your personality is bright and eccentric just like this scarf I knitted for you..." (I define eccentric as odd and unusual in a good way) haha. Here is evidence of said scarf:
The last, bright and colorful item I'd like to share with you is the most colorful quilt I own! It is a purse/handbag quilt hand crafted by my Aunt Suzie :) She's the best quilter ever and that might be a little biased, but whatever. I adore this quilt because there are so many colors and patterns going on. It sums up my life and personality in a heartbeat! Thank you Aunt Suzie for the most thoughtful 16th birthday present EVER. :)
Well, that was a little taste of Kelly's bright & colorful personality boasting! Forgive me if I was being too confident, cocky or selfish today. I do believe a little boasting is good for the soul because it does in fact boost confidence and I am also reminded to remain humble every day. Thanks for stopping by and I hope y'all have an awesome day :)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Celebrate Life
Happy Tuesday y'all! :)
Just another day in the Life of Kelly: working, training, eating, sleeping, cooking, laughing, and hanging out with friends! You know, the usual.
Last night, I went over to a Heather's house and spent some quality time with her, Kayla and Kayla's parents! :) I had a blast with them. Dad was cooking dinner, and of the course the girls were socializing over a glass of wine or a nice cold one depending on what you were in the mood for, so naturally I had a Blue Moon with Kayla! Duh. It was definitely nice having dinner with them as a family under the same roof. And yes, that was the first time I ever met Kayla's parents, but they welcomed me like another daughter! I have noticed a trend in regards to that...Friends' parents always welcome me graciously as if I could be their adopted child! It's a great feeling. So I want to thank my parents for raising me right, teaching me manners, being polite, and being a social butterfly, which has allowed other parents to take me under their wing :)
If I miss one thing about being away from home it is having dinner with mom, dad and Jamie all under the same roof. In today's society, I feel like it is hard to come by families who still eat at the dinner table, together, as a family. Seems like families just eat in front of the TV nowadays, or with some sort of technology in their faces rather than interacting with each other without the iPhone, Fablet, iPad, or computer. Anyways, I just miss eating good food with great people.
Off my soap box now and onto the original point of this blog post.
Celebrate life people! Celebrate it every second, every minute, every hour, every day! Just do it. This is such an awesome life we have been given the opportunity to live, so live it up! Don't let a moment pass you by when you could dance like crazy, run through the rain, play in the snow, laugh until your stomach hurts, make someone's day just by smiling at them, picking up an instrument and learning how to play it, cooking for friends, reading a new book, going for a run, or when you can just be still and silent and know that God is there.
If I have learned one thing within these past couple of months, it is this: being happy 99% of the time makes life that much brighter and so much better! Smiling, laughing and snorting are like my three favorite things about me and I make sure to share that with everyone I surround myself with at that time! Make sure you surround yourself with great people who lift you up and support your goals/ambitions/dreams. Hakuna matata: Don't worry, be happy :)
Just another day in the Life of Kelly: working, training, eating, sleeping, cooking, laughing, and hanging out with friends! You know, the usual.
Last night, I went over to a Heather's house and spent some quality time with her, Kayla and Kayla's parents! :) I had a blast with them. Dad was cooking dinner, and of the course the girls were socializing over a glass of wine or a nice cold one depending on what you were in the mood for, so naturally I had a Blue Moon with Kayla! Duh. It was definitely nice having dinner with them as a family under the same roof. And yes, that was the first time I ever met Kayla's parents, but they welcomed me like another daughter! I have noticed a trend in regards to that...Friends' parents always welcome me graciously as if I could be their adopted child! It's a great feeling. So I want to thank my parents for raising me right, teaching me manners, being polite, and being a social butterfly, which has allowed other parents to take me under their wing :)
If I miss one thing about being away from home it is having dinner with mom, dad and Jamie all under the same roof. In today's society, I feel like it is hard to come by families who still eat at the dinner table, together, as a family. Seems like families just eat in front of the TV nowadays, or with some sort of technology in their faces rather than interacting with each other without the iPhone, Fablet, iPad, or computer. Anyways, I just miss eating good food with great people.
Off my soap box now and onto the original point of this blog post.
Celebrate life people! Celebrate it every second, every minute, every hour, every day! Just do it. This is such an awesome life we have been given the opportunity to live, so live it up! Don't let a moment pass you by when you could dance like crazy, run through the rain, play in the snow, laugh until your stomach hurts, make someone's day just by smiling at them, picking up an instrument and learning how to play it, cooking for friends, reading a new book, going for a run, or when you can just be still and silent and know that God is there.
If I have learned one thing within these past couple of months, it is this: being happy 99% of the time makes life that much brighter and so much better! Smiling, laughing and snorting are like my three favorite things about me and I make sure to share that with everyone I surround myself with at that time! Make sure you surround yourself with great people who lift you up and support your goals/ambitions/dreams. Hakuna matata: Don't worry, be happy :)
Saturday, March 16, 2013
St. Patrick's Day Tomorrow
Howdy folks! :) Happy Saturday, almost Sunday!
Well, another week has come and gone in the blink of an eye. Lately, my life seems to be a blur consisting of work, training, studying, bible study, quality friend time, cooking, cleaning, etc. Regardless of the blur, it has definitely been a lovely week filled with lots of laughter, snorting, smiles, good times, and lots of good cooking! :)
Tomorrow is St. Patricks day. I'm sure you are aware of this since it's on the calendar. I decided to go out to WalMart and buy a green-ish outfit just to have a little fun since I will not be able to celebrate really. Here's a sneak peak to what Kelly shall be sportin' all day:
I do enjoy the color green. Not my favorite color, but it's always fun to wear colors in honor of a holiday! What's life without a little spunk and fun every now and again?! :)
On another note, I would just like to say thank you to all of my family, friends and co-workers for making my life such an awesome one to live right now! I am so blessed to be a part of the Air Force family and I wouldn't change a thing for the world. The people who have walked into my life lately have been a blessing and such a pleasant surprise! I look forward to the next few years of my life :)
Well, another week has come and gone in the blink of an eye. Lately, my life seems to be a blur consisting of work, training, studying, bible study, quality friend time, cooking, cleaning, etc. Regardless of the blur, it has definitely been a lovely week filled with lots of laughter, snorting, smiles, good times, and lots of good cooking! :)
Tomorrow is St. Patricks day. I'm sure you are aware of this since it's on the calendar. I decided to go out to WalMart and buy a green-ish outfit just to have a little fun since I will not be able to celebrate really. Here's a sneak peak to what Kelly shall be sportin' all day:
I do enjoy the color green. Not my favorite color, but it's always fun to wear colors in honor of a holiday! What's life without a little spunk and fun every now and again?! :)
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Twilight Zone
Howdy folks! :)
Wow, these last few weeks (since my last post) have been such a blur! Actually, I feel like I have been in the Twilight Zone where I don't know what month, day or date it is without asking for clarification from friends. Yeah, weird I know.
I have literally, not figuratively, been working for a month straight since Valentines day. When I say working, I mean upgrading/training to perform my Air Force job and then actually doing my job after said upgrading/training. Quite frankly, the point I am trying to get at is I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off! But it's been such an awesome experience! :) I love it.
Also, when I am not doing the above, I have been remodeling a house and a four plex with my awesome friends, Clark, Josh, Matt, and a few others! :) And let me tell you, this experience has also been awesome!! I have learned so much about what it takes to give a house a complete make-over.
Here is a list of things I have accomplished at both properties:
~interior painting/edging
~put down a "floating" floor (its like a puzzle of linoleum)
~ripped up carpet from three rooms
~removed wallpaper (this took multiple days)
~texturized the wallpaper removal wall
~painted multiple doors/windows
Now that I think about it, that list doesn't seem very long, but it is way more than I have ever done involving a project like this! Even though these aren't my properties, I have honestly taken both of them under my wing and can't wait to see the end results :) The completion & tenant occupancy for both of these properties will definitely call for a celebration and I look forward to that!
I must bid you all ado for now, but until next time...
Wow, these last few weeks (since my last post) have been such a blur! Actually, I feel like I have been in the Twilight Zone where I don't know what month, day or date it is without asking for clarification from friends. Yeah, weird I know.
I have literally, not figuratively, been working for a month straight since Valentines day. When I say working, I mean upgrading/training to perform my Air Force job and then actually doing my job after said upgrading/training. Quite frankly, the point I am trying to get at is I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off! But it's been such an awesome experience! :) I love it.
Also, when I am not doing the above, I have been remodeling a house and a four plex with my awesome friends, Clark, Josh, Matt, and a few others! :) And let me tell you, this experience has also been awesome!! I have learned so much about what it takes to give a house a complete make-over.
Here is a list of things I have accomplished at both properties:
~interior painting/edging
~put down a "floating" floor (its like a puzzle of linoleum)
~ripped up carpet from three rooms
~removed wallpaper (this took multiple days)
~texturized the wallpaper removal wall
~painted multiple doors/windows
Now that I think about it, that list doesn't seem very long, but it is way more than I have ever done involving a project like this! Even though these aren't my properties, I have honestly taken both of them under my wing and can't wait to see the end results :) The completion & tenant occupancy for both of these properties will definitely call for a celebration and I look forward to that!
I must bid you all ado for now, but until next time...
Thursday, February 21, 2013
My Happy Place
My apologies for not updating this since last week! Life caught up with me and decided to be chaotic, but also fantastic at the same time :)
Happy Thursday evening to all and to all a happy evening! :)
My happy place is right here, right now. Life is GOOD. I couldn't ask for anything more in my life right now than the people that have been a part of it and the people who just entered it. I am so blessed. Thank you for all of the good times, tummy-rumbling laughs, and just plenty of smiles.
This is just a thank you post to all of my friends and family out there, so thank you for being a wonderful entry in my book called: Kelly's Life.
I love all of you :)
Happy Thursday evening to all and to all a happy evening! :)
My happy place is right here, right now. Life is GOOD. I couldn't ask for anything more in my life right now than the people that have been a part of it and the people who just entered it. I am so blessed. Thank you for all of the good times, tummy-rumbling laughs, and just plenty of smiles.
This is just a thank you post to all of my friends and family out there, so thank you for being a wonderful entry in my book called: Kelly's Life.
I love all of you :)
Friday, February 15, 2013
Five's Company
Happy Friday y'all & TGIF! :)
I had a flashback (literally right now) about how awesome the show Three's Company was because it starred John Ritter and those two lovely girls! Not quite sure why because I haven't watched an episode in years. If you haven't seen this show, I highly encourage it :)
So I am sure you are wondering what the dealio is with my post title: Five's Company. Well, I am here to inform you of the details. Last night, I cooked dinner for a few good friends (Kirsten, Babs, Lucas, Clark & myself= Five's Company) and it was a huge success! It was so nice having company over & hosting them as guests'. I have missed catering to friends & family, hence the reason for having them come over.
We had such a great time! Plenty of laughing, goofing around, wrestling for who gets a movie to borrow, and intriguing guitar lessons :) I have definitely been blessed with wonderful people, who are the best of friends to me now. I look forward to our next gathering at my humble abode.
Also, I received a couple cards and a gift in the mail for Valentine's Day yesterday! Thank you Mom & Dad, Aunt Steph, and Mema Bonnie & Val!
Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend! :)
I had a flashback (literally right now) about how awesome the show Three's Company was because it starred John Ritter and those two lovely girls! Not quite sure why because I haven't watched an episode in years. If you haven't seen this show, I highly encourage it :)
So I am sure you are wondering what the dealio is with my post title: Five's Company. Well, I am here to inform you of the details. Last night, I cooked dinner for a few good friends (Kirsten, Babs, Lucas, Clark & myself= Five's Company) and it was a huge success! It was so nice having company over & hosting them as guests'. I have missed catering to friends & family, hence the reason for having them come over.
We had such a great time! Plenty of laughing, goofing around, wrestling for who gets a movie to borrow, and intriguing guitar lessons :) I have definitely been blessed with wonderful people, who are the best of friends to me now. I look forward to our next gathering at my humble abode.
Also, I received a couple cards and a gift in the mail for Valentine's Day yesterday! Thank you Mom & Dad, Aunt Steph, and Mema Bonnie & Val!
Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend! :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise
Good morning world! :)
I wanted a good laugh this morning, so my remedy for a pleasant rumble to my tummy sure does rest with my favorite Potter Puppet Pals! And what a great start to my day it was indeed! :) I hope to get the same reaction from my audience because why shouldn't everyone start off with a great day?! Life is awesome so live it up right meow!
Best invention ever! A big thank you to the creators of PPP and for making my days brighter with just a simple laugh.
I wanted a good laugh this morning, so my remedy for a pleasant rumble to my tummy sure does rest with my favorite Potter Puppet Pals! And what a great start to my day it was indeed! :) I hope to get the same reaction from my audience because why shouldn't everyone start off with a great day?! Life is awesome so live it up right meow!
Best invention ever! A big thank you to the creators of PPP and for making my days brighter with just a simple laugh.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Life ain't always Beautiful
Happy Tuesday to all! :)
Life is such an adventure. It's not about the destination, but about the journey across this wonderful life. Cliche, I know, but I am learning more and more about myself and the life I am living everyday. I am so thankful for the beautiful people placed in my life and carefully chosen by the Man upstairs. I firmly believe in people coming into & out of your life with the sole purpose of learning about yourself and who you attract into your own story.
My story has been such a great experience so far and each day I learn something new. Love is constantly blooming in my life. However, I can definitely attest to the country song, Life ain't always beautiful, by Gary Allan.
Life really isn't perfect. We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world, but that is the pure beauty of it! :)
One of my favorite pictures! Red dress, cowgirl boots and big smile :) Life is good.
Life is such an adventure. It's not about the destination, but about the journey across this wonderful life. Cliche, I know, but I am learning more and more about myself and the life I am living everyday. I am so thankful for the beautiful people placed in my life and carefully chosen by the Man upstairs. I firmly believe in people coming into & out of your life with the sole purpose of learning about yourself and who you attract into your own story.
My story has been such a great experience so far and each day I learn something new. Love is constantly blooming in my life. However, I can definitely attest to the country song, Life ain't always beautiful, by Gary Allan.
Life really isn't perfect. We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world, but that is the pure beauty of it! :)
One of my favorite pictures! Red dress, cowgirl boots and big smile :) Life is good.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Timing & Country
Happy Monday to all! :)
I do believe another fresh start to a great week is to come starting today! On another note, I love country music. I was born and raised in Texas (home is where the heart is and Texas has my heart) so loving country goes hand in hand with being born in the Lone Star state. The funny thing is, I used to loathe country music and loathe is a strong word, but it's definitely true. However, going to a public college in Texas, I revisited my disdain for country and somehow took a complete 180 degrees turn. My love for country music began when I bought my first pair of boots :) Interesting right? Well, I am so glad I gave country a second chance because I absolutely love it!
I love country music. I love my boots. I love being a country girl at heart.
Have you ever questioned the timing of certain events or circumstances in your life? I'm sure you have and you do it often. I have been prone to questioning a lot of things lately. Timing can be really awesome or really terrible. There is no grey area for timing because it either happens when you want it to or when you don't want it to.
Question for Kelly (from audience): "So why did you chose to title your post 'Timing & Country'?"
I have an answer for you. It might not make sense to you though, but that is the wonderful thing about having an imagination! A guitar + country music is probably my biggest weakness ever. My heart melts when I hear the combination of an acoustic guitar playing country songs, hence why I love country music because most, if not all, songs do just that! I was a witness to guitar playing and a Tim McGraw song, It's your love, and just about lost my noodles. (haha). Anyways, your imagination is probably wandering off into a whirlwind of ideas so enjoy that while you can.
I listen to Pandora Radio quite frequently and decided to listen to my favorite station (surprisingly not a country station) called "A Thousand Years," which is a song by Christina Perri. May I remind you that this station hardly ever scrapes the surface of playing country music. Occasionally, it will play a T. Swift song, but not a stream of my favorite country songs. Well, I turned on the tunes on good ole Pandora last night (after the guitar + Tim McGraw incident) and I kid you not, so many country songs decided to shuffle through the station. And I am not talking about just random, semi-ok country songs, I am talking about top of the line, my favorite ones. Let me just say this: It's your Love came on by Tim McGraw! Yep, scouts honor on that statement. Weirdest coincidence of timing I've ever witnessed.
That right there is the reason I titled this post as "Timing & Country" because timing really is everything and country music is one of my favorite music genres. I think it's a calling for me to go find a couple country bars to go two-stepping! So, I am looking forward to that adventure :)
I do believe another fresh start to a great week is to come starting today! On another note, I love country music. I was born and raised in Texas (home is where the heart is and Texas has my heart) so loving country goes hand in hand with being born in the Lone Star state. The funny thing is, I used to loathe country music and loathe is a strong word, but it's definitely true. However, going to a public college in Texas, I revisited my disdain for country and somehow took a complete 180 degrees turn. My love for country music began when I bought my first pair of boots :) Interesting right? Well, I am so glad I gave country a second chance because I absolutely love it!
I love country music. I love my boots. I love being a country girl at heart.
Have you ever questioned the timing of certain events or circumstances in your life? I'm sure you have and you do it often. I have been prone to questioning a lot of things lately. Timing can be really awesome or really terrible. There is no grey area for timing because it either happens when you want it to or when you don't want it to.
Question for Kelly (from audience): "So why did you chose to title your post 'Timing & Country'?"
I have an answer for you. It might not make sense to you though, but that is the wonderful thing about having an imagination! A guitar + country music is probably my biggest weakness ever. My heart melts when I hear the combination of an acoustic guitar playing country songs, hence why I love country music because most, if not all, songs do just that! I was a witness to guitar playing and a Tim McGraw song, It's your love, and just about lost my noodles. (haha). Anyways, your imagination is probably wandering off into a whirlwind of ideas so enjoy that while you can.
I listen to Pandora Radio quite frequently and decided to listen to my favorite station (surprisingly not a country station) called "A Thousand Years," which is a song by Christina Perri. May I remind you that this station hardly ever scrapes the surface of playing country music. Occasionally, it will play a T. Swift song, but not a stream of my favorite country songs. Well, I turned on the tunes on good ole Pandora last night (after the guitar + Tim McGraw incident) and I kid you not, so many country songs decided to shuffle through the station. And I am not talking about just random, semi-ok country songs, I am talking about top of the line, my favorite ones. Let me just say this: It's your Love came on by Tim McGraw! Yep, scouts honor on that statement. Weirdest coincidence of timing I've ever witnessed.
That right there is the reason I titled this post as "Timing & Country" because timing really is everything and country music is one of my favorite music genres. I think it's a calling for me to go find a couple country bars to go two-stepping! So, I am looking forward to that adventure :)
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Happy Sunday y'all! :)
I hope everyone had a great weekend because I know I sure did! Wow, I don't even know where to begin. I suppose I should explain my post title: Blackhawk. Well, lets just say it isn't referring to Blackhawk Down the movie or anything referring to a helicopter or quite simply a black "hawk." Blackhawk is a city in Colorado on the outskirts of Denver. Ok, it's more like in the boonies of Denver. No, no it is definitely a city in between the mountain ranges of Colorado. Yep, I was in the mountains this weekend, but not for skiing or snowboarding like what normal people do in the mountains.
Straight to the point now: I was walking through casinos all night Friday night into the wee hours of the morning Saturday! Yes my friends, I made my first baby steps into casino-land Friday night & wow is about all I can muster out of my mouth. Mind you, I did gamble a teeny-weeny bit, but I won my sixty bucks back thanks to one of the guys!
Where to begin, hmm. Well, as soon as we got to our hotel that night around 930, 10 ish, which was quite literally above one of the casinos, we began our journey out in the crisp cold night to Golden Gate Casino. Like I said earlier, it was my first time stepping into a casino, so of course I don't really know how to play anything except 21/ Blackjack! But I was a great spectator when my friends were playing Craps. By the way, Craps is a very complex game to try and learn, but I had a great time cheering on the boys whenever they won fair shares.
**Oh, and did I mention that drinks were free all night?! Yep, I bet you can predict what I was doing all night besides spectating & gambling ;)**
My action started at a Blackjack table where the minimum bid to play was $5 but of course I put in $20, whoops. I enjoyed playing, winning some and losing some; winning and losing some is all apart of life right? Eventually, the girls showed up about an hour later and we decided to casino-hop (haha instead of barhop, get it? lol) to The Lodge.
The Lodge was where we had the most fun! First stop: the Craps table where all of the action was happening. The girls and I were all about watching and cheering on the game and as boring as that sounds, it really wasn't bad at all! In fact, being a spectator was more fun than playing (at least for me). When the crowd is right at a Craps table it becomes even more fun to watch & cheer with everyone! Not to mention, the free drinks flooding our way every 30 minutes. The Lodges' Craps table is where I won back my Blackjack money and also where I had the most fun when I wasn't being a cheering, yelling and dancing spectator :) I won $45 thanks to Brandons bid on myself and Kirsten! Woo-hoo right?! And I didn't even know what I was doing either, which is quite entertaining to me. We were here for a couple hours, so it was well past midnight before we moved to the next casino.
The next casino we went to was Riviera (right across from our hotel). This one wasn't as "hopping" as the Lodge was, but we decided to walk around and see what was up. Lets just say we didn't walk around that much before we left for the next casino.
Lady Luck was our last & final stop for the morning. Quite literally the morning because it was 2 a.m. by the time we walked inside to the Craps table (of course). By this point, my lower back and feet were killing me. Yes, I am an old lady, thank you very much. But I was a trooper and kept going regardless of how my young body tried to tell me "you're stupid." The Craps table was OK, but we weren't there for very long because everyone was shutting down into sleep mode. So, 3 a.m. rolls around and we head back to the room.
I don't believe I ever mentioned who was included in the "we" throughout this thrilling and adventurous story. Well, there was 10 of us. 10 people. Let me reiterate that: 10 people were included in that "we," so when I say "we" were heading back to the hotel, I sure did mean all 10 of us. 10 people = 6 guys and four girls to one room with two beds. Let your imagination wander a little to figure out how that many people fit in one room. I was humored by it because there were so many bodies on the floor, in every crevice and nook possible. It was hilarious.
We only got 4 hours of sleep until we woke up to go a couple more casinos. Yeah, I was like "what?! you are kidding right?" and they sure weren't kidding. Anyways, long story short, we only stayed for a couple more hours until we finally hit the road back home.
I apologize for not having pictures of this little world, but I will make my way back down to Blackhawk in a few months probably. I had such a good time this weekend, meeting new people who I will soon consider true friends, gambling just a little bit, and creating many memories that I won't forget.
I hope everyone had a great weekend because I know I sure did! Wow, I don't even know where to begin. I suppose I should explain my post title: Blackhawk. Well, lets just say it isn't referring to Blackhawk Down the movie or anything referring to a helicopter or quite simply a black "hawk." Blackhawk is a city in Colorado on the outskirts of Denver. Ok, it's more like in the boonies of Denver. No, no it is definitely a city in between the mountain ranges of Colorado. Yep, I was in the mountains this weekend, but not for skiing or snowboarding like what normal people do in the mountains.
Straight to the point now: I was walking through casinos all night Friday night into the wee hours of the morning Saturday! Yes my friends, I made my first baby steps into casino-land Friday night & wow is about all I can muster out of my mouth. Mind you, I did gamble a teeny-weeny bit, but I won my sixty bucks back thanks to one of the guys!
Where to begin, hmm. Well, as soon as we got to our hotel that night around 930, 10 ish, which was quite literally above one of the casinos, we began our journey out in the crisp cold night to Golden Gate Casino. Like I said earlier, it was my first time stepping into a casino, so of course I don't really know how to play anything except 21/ Blackjack! But I was a great spectator when my friends were playing Craps. By the way, Craps is a very complex game to try and learn, but I had a great time cheering on the boys whenever they won fair shares.
**Oh, and did I mention that drinks were free all night?! Yep, I bet you can predict what I was doing all night besides spectating & gambling ;)**
My action started at a Blackjack table where the minimum bid to play was $5 but of course I put in $20, whoops. I enjoyed playing, winning some and losing some; winning and losing some is all apart of life right? Eventually, the girls showed up about an hour later and we decided to casino-hop (haha instead of barhop, get it? lol) to The Lodge.
The Lodge was where we had the most fun! First stop: the Craps table where all of the action was happening. The girls and I were all about watching and cheering on the game and as boring as that sounds, it really wasn't bad at all! In fact, being a spectator was more fun than playing (at least for me). When the crowd is right at a Craps table it becomes even more fun to watch & cheer with everyone! Not to mention, the free drinks flooding our way every 30 minutes. The Lodges' Craps table is where I won back my Blackjack money and also where I had the most fun when I wasn't being a cheering, yelling and dancing spectator :) I won $45 thanks to Brandons bid on myself and Kirsten! Woo-hoo right?! And I didn't even know what I was doing either, which is quite entertaining to me. We were here for a couple hours, so it was well past midnight before we moved to the next casino.
The next casino we went to was Riviera (right across from our hotel). This one wasn't as "hopping" as the Lodge was, but we decided to walk around and see what was up. Lets just say we didn't walk around that much before we left for the next casino.
Lady Luck was our last & final stop for the morning. Quite literally the morning because it was 2 a.m. by the time we walked inside to the Craps table (of course). By this point, my lower back and feet were killing me. Yes, I am an old lady, thank you very much. But I was a trooper and kept going regardless of how my young body tried to tell me "you're stupid." The Craps table was OK, but we weren't there for very long because everyone was shutting down into sleep mode. So, 3 a.m. rolls around and we head back to the room.
I don't believe I ever mentioned who was included in the "we" throughout this thrilling and adventurous story. Well, there was 10 of us. 10 people. Let me reiterate that: 10 people were included in that "we," so when I say "we" were heading back to the hotel, I sure did mean all 10 of us. 10 people = 6 guys and four girls to one room with two beds. Let your imagination wander a little to figure out how that many people fit in one room. I was humored by it because there were so many bodies on the floor, in every crevice and nook possible. It was hilarious.
We only got 4 hours of sleep until we woke up to go a couple more casinos. Yeah, I was like "what?! you are kidding right?" and they sure weren't kidding. Anyways, long story short, we only stayed for a couple more hours until we finally hit the road back home.
I apologize for not having pictures of this little world, but I will make my way back down to Blackhawk in a few months probably. I had such a good time this weekend, meeting new people who I will soon consider true friends, gambling just a little bit, and creating many memories that I won't forget.
Friday, February 8, 2013
I bought a (fill in blank)
What was your first thought before you continued reading to find out exactly what I purchased yesterday? Please feel free to share :)
Well, I have been setting a couple goals & ambitions this year and am constantly thinking of new ones to add (you can check out my previous posts from January here & here). This particular ambition has been in my hopes for the last few years, but I just never took that extra step to get started. Finally, with the little nudge in the right direction, I decided I am doing this and won't give up on it. Might I add that this has been the best decision EVER! And plus, it's going to be a super thrilling experience and journey with the right people teaching me :)
Enough blabbing right?! Ok, drum roll please. Dun dun dun.
I bought a GUITAR! :D
Isn't she a beauty?! I absolutely love her and I just bought her yesterday at a pawn shop for $55! :) I'm pretty sure thats a bargain for an acoustic guitar. Lucas, a friend of mine, made this pretty little thing sound really gorgeous! I've already learned a few chords and am working on the chorus of a Third Eye Blind song called Semi-Charmed Life! I am super excited about this new goal of learning to play the gee-tar :)
That is what I bought yesterday and I just wanted to share this special news with y'all! Have a great Friday!
Well, I have been setting a couple goals & ambitions this year and am constantly thinking of new ones to add (you can check out my previous posts from January here & here). This particular ambition has been in my hopes for the last few years, but I just never took that extra step to get started. Finally, with the little nudge in the right direction, I decided I am doing this and won't give up on it. Might I add that this has been the best decision EVER! And plus, it's going to be a super thrilling experience and journey with the right people teaching me :)
Enough blabbing right?! Ok, drum roll please. Dun dun dun.
I bought a GUITAR! :D
Isn't she a beauty?! I absolutely love her and I just bought her yesterday at a pawn shop for $55! :) I'm pretty sure thats a bargain for an acoustic guitar. Lucas, a friend of mine, made this pretty little thing sound really gorgeous! I've already learned a few chords and am working on the chorus of a Third Eye Blind song called Semi-Charmed Life! I am super excited about this new goal of learning to play the gee-tar :)
That is what I bought yesterday and I just wanted to share this special news with y'all! Have a great Friday!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
I'm sure you are wondering what the heck do those acronyms stand for right? Well I am here to share them with you and explain to you that they are my top three favorites :)
\\HIMYM= How I met your Mother//
\\TO= The Office//
\\TWD= The Walking Dead//
Listed above are my top three favorite TV shows! How I met your Mother is my perfect go-to when I am feeling down and just need a good laugh, whereas The Office is my nerdy, dorky laugh go-to show. I definitely woke up this morning to watch an episode of The Office because I wanted to start off my day being goofy :) Last but not least, The Walking Dead is just awesome because the "walkers" aka zombies look REAL and I am just fascinated by the whole thing.
Today was show-and-tell basically and I was enthused to share my three favorites so now you know a little bit more about me, yay! Have a wonderful Thursday.
**Thank you Google.com for all of the images!**
\\HIMYM= How I met your Mother//
\\TO= The Office//
\\TWD= The Walking Dead//
Listed above are my top three favorite TV shows! How I met your Mother is my perfect go-to when I am feeling down and just need a good laugh, whereas The Office is my nerdy, dorky laugh go-to show. I definitely woke up this morning to watch an episode of The Office because I wanted to start off my day being goofy :) Last but not least, The Walking Dead is just awesome because the "walkers" aka zombies look REAL and I am just fascinated by the whole thing.
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Today was show-and-tell basically and I was enthused to share my three favorites so now you know a little bit more about me, yay! Have a wonderful Thursday.
**Thank you Google.com for all of the images!**
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
I woke up this morning at a solid 3 o'clock a.m. wide awake and ready to conquer my Wednesday. Mind you, I went to bed at 1030 so running on only 5 & 1/2 hours of sleep is going to be interesting. Did I mention that I took a moment (15 minutes at least) to pray? (That being the important part, but I also decided to do Insanity because that was a great idea) HA!
Prayer is an amazing thing. Optimism is a wonderful character trait. A positive attitude can really make a difference. Back to my prayer at the crack of dawn this morning... Well, I prayed about a lot of things, but details need not be discussed because prayers are personal and confided within Him, but I am so glad that I took that time to share my thoughts and count my blessings with God.
I have taken a step back lately, changed lanes from the fast lane to the slow lane, and have really been focusing on breathing. Yep, breathing. You know the whole inhale oxygen, exhale carbon dioxide or whatever the process is to *breathe.* Hence the reason for the post title.
This is the biggest step back that I have taken in years and thank goodness I did it because my eyes have been opened to a lot of wonderful things. Some circumstances more difficult than others to handle, but I'm never alone. But the difficult circumstances led me to something I've never felt before and I am still trying to understand exactly what I am feeling. Maybe it's patience, or pure happiness, or just plain & simple joy with where I am at in my life. Who knows right? I don't quite understand yet, but I know patience is developing inside me and it's a trait that I have failed at seeking in the past.
My point being that life may throw huge curve balls at you, but when trust your faith with God, He will take the reins and guide you in the right direction. So don't try to run away in fear, or avoid the great things He is placing right in front of your face. Take a chance, be courageous and love yourself for He loves you more than you know.
Prayer is an amazing thing. Optimism is a wonderful character trait. A positive attitude can really make a difference. Back to my prayer at the crack of dawn this morning... Well, I prayed about a lot of things, but details need not be discussed because prayers are personal and confided within Him, but I am so glad that I took that time to share my thoughts and count my blessings with God.
I have taken a step back lately, changed lanes from the fast lane to the slow lane, and have really been focusing on breathing. Yep, breathing. You know the whole inhale oxygen, exhale carbon dioxide or whatever the process is to *breathe.* Hence the reason for the post title.
This is the biggest step back that I have taken in years and thank goodness I did it because my eyes have been opened to a lot of wonderful things. Some circumstances more difficult than others to handle, but I'm never alone. But the difficult circumstances led me to something I've never felt before and I am still trying to understand exactly what I am feeling. Maybe it's patience, or pure happiness, or just plain & simple joy with where I am at in my life. Who knows right? I don't quite understand yet, but I know patience is developing inside me and it's a trait that I have failed at seeking in the past.
My point being that life may throw huge curve balls at you, but when trust your faith with God, He will take the reins and guide you in the right direction. So don't try to run away in fear, or avoid the great things He is placing right in front of your face. Take a chance, be courageous and love yourself for He loves you more than you know.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Super Bowl Sunday (yesterday)
Another weekend has flown by and luckily for us football fans, it was either a good or bad weekend! I would like to call myself a "fake fan" because I don't truly follow any specific team. I go for the underdog or just the team that none of my friends are going for because I like to be different. As you can see below, I decided to sport the Ravens colors of purple, white and black. I had a really good afternoon/evening spending quality time with great company and the cutest ball of fur and wrinkles, Linus, the German Shorthair puppy.
My friend, Kayla, decided to be way different and sport a Pittsburg Steelers jersey just because she could and she did. I had to snap a photo with her because we are both awesome and I love her! :)
Cutest, most adorable puppy ever. My heart was exploding with happiness when I met this little guy. He was absolutely precious and I just wanted to snuggle up with him forever. Meeting this little pup made me want one so bad, but I must refrain because I am not allowed to have pets anywhere near my apartment complex.
His little butt was just wiggling away and I couldn't help but take a picture of his tiny behind and nub of a tail. So cute.
Look at that face! Doesn't it make you want to squeeze and kiss it?! Oh Linus, you stole my heart last night and I love you.
I am so thankful for such great friends and good laughs. I am hoping for more gatherings together because these are friends for a lifetime and I can't wait to see where we are in four years!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Downtown Cheyenne...
This weekend has been an interesting one to say the least. But I can say that I perused around a winter Farmer's Market in downtown Cheyenne yesterday! It was located at the Cheyenne Train Depot/Museum and might I add it was a very pretty scene.
This wasn't a typical fresh produce farmer's market, but the unique variety offered here made up for the lack of veggies. It ranged from smoked salmon, pre-made chowders & dip, homemade jellies, eggs, goat cheese, freshly baked bread to jewelry, scarves and knitted hats! I had to make my way around twice in order to soak in everything.
Of course, I didn't take any pictures of what the farmer's market offered because it was SO crowded, I could hardly wiggle my way through to purchase anything! But I snapped a couple of photos outside.
As soon as I walked up the block from where I parked my car, I noticed these awesome, BIG cowboy boots displayed out front. So I absolutely had to get a picture with one to remind me of home. Thank you Instagram for making my photo look LEGEND...wait for it...DARY. :)
Today happens to be Super Bowl Sunday so I will indeed partake in the festivities of football snacks, beer, and good times with friends. Pictures from today to be posted tomorrow. Cheers & have a wonderful Sunday!
This wasn't a typical fresh produce farmer's market, but the unique variety offered here made up for the lack of veggies. It ranged from smoked salmon, pre-made chowders & dip, homemade jellies, eggs, goat cheese, freshly baked bread to jewelry, scarves and knitted hats! I had to make my way around twice in order to soak in everything.
Of course, I didn't take any pictures of what the farmer's market offered because it was SO crowded, I could hardly wiggle my way through to purchase anything! But I snapped a couple of photos outside.
Entrance to the Depot.
I purchased a few souvenirs to send to the family for Valentine's Day. This coffee cup NOT being one of them since I bought this for myself :) This my friends, is a "frosted" Wyoming coffee cup & let me tell you, I LOVE IT.
As soon as I walked up the block from where I parked my car, I noticed these awesome, BIG cowboy boots displayed out front. So I absolutely had to get a picture with one to remind me of home. Thank you Instagram for making my photo look LEGEND...wait for it...DARY. :)
Today happens to be Super Bowl Sunday so I will indeed partake in the festivities of football snacks, beer, and good times with friends. Pictures from today to be posted tomorrow. Cheers & have a wonderful Sunday!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Beach/ Ocean Withdrawals
T.G.I.F! :)
For some reason, I woke up missing the beach. I miss the sound of the waves crashing on the shoreline, the feeling of sand between my toes, the smell of the coastline and just the simplistic idea of missing a large abundance of water nearby. The good ole days in Cali.
So, with that thought in my mind, I figured I would post a few pictures of me and anything related to a beach. And for my sake, I also just wanted to reminisce on these memories I collected.
P.S. Someone should take me to the beach one day! :)
Off the coast of Cali in November!
Pismo Beach, CA (note: yes I am wearing a sweatshirt, pants & boots on the beach....weird right?)
My two favorite bathing suits, both from Wal-Mart! :)
Random seashells from Cali in a Bath & Body Works bubble bath jar, creative I know!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
I would like...
~to learn to speak Spanish fluently
~to go skiing
~to invent a time machine
~to get lost in my favorite books
~to paint
~to get in shape
~to love unconditionally
~to live at Hogwarts
~to get my Master's in weather, paleontology, & international studies (focus in Europe)
~to see a theater performance (musical, opera, ballet, etc)
~to build a coffee bar/station at my apt
~to take more pictures
There are days when I get lost in my thoughts and start to think about what I really want to do with my life. There are other days when I get inspired by others and start to let myself dream up beautiful ideas.
There are days when I set goals or ambitions with what I want to do tomorrow, in the near future and far out in the future. Hence the list above sharing my ideas & thoughts about what I would like to do now, tomorrow, next week, next month and in years to come :)
A few of my ideas came to life via pictures! I look forward to see what the future has in store for me involving my many ideas listed above...
~to go skiing
~to invent a time machine
~to get lost in my favorite books
~to paint
~to get in shape
~to love unconditionally
~to live at Hogwarts
~to get my Master's in weather, paleontology, & international studies (focus in Europe)
~to see a theater performance (musical, opera, ballet, etc)
~to build a coffee bar/station at my apt
~to take more pictures
There are days when I get lost in my thoughts and start to think about what I really want to do with my life. There are other days when I get inspired by others and start to let myself dream up beautiful ideas.
There are days when I set goals or ambitions with what I want to do tomorrow, in the near future and far out in the future. Hence the list above sharing my ideas & thoughts about what I would like to do now, tomorrow, next week, next month and in years to come :)
A few of my ideas came to life via pictures! I look forward to see what the future has in store for me involving my many ideas listed above...
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Technology Challenged
Happy Wednesday to all! :)
For the past week plus a couple days, I have been having issues with my computer. Issues including the fact that I was yelling at "it," so basically arguing, and I wanted to punch the living daylights out of this hunk of metal including its mother(board). Haha get it? Well, the jokes on me because I had to forfeit the boxing match and just get it repaired. Probably the better alternative rather than breaking my hand...
The title of this post speaks to me, myself and I because I am literally the worst "tech-y" person ever. I am one of those people who just presses random buttons on anything electronic hoping it'll correct the problem at hand. That being said, I am referring to my lovely computer and also my blu ray player, wireless router and this audio USB jack thing (since my speakers are broken on my computer). Let's just say it was quite the weekend of torture trying to figure out how to work all of the above.
Nonetheless, I managed to get everything to function properly & that being said, it's going to be a great week and many months & years to come.
For the past week plus a couple days, I have been having issues with my computer. Issues including the fact that I was yelling at "it," so basically arguing, and I wanted to punch the living daylights out of this hunk of metal including its mother(board). Haha get it? Well, the jokes on me because I had to forfeit the boxing match and just get it repaired. Probably the better alternative rather than breaking my hand...
The title of this post speaks to me, myself and I because I am literally the worst "tech-y" person ever. I am one of those people who just presses random buttons on anything electronic hoping it'll correct the problem at hand. That being said, I am referring to my lovely computer and also my blu ray player, wireless router and this audio USB jack thing (since my speakers are broken on my computer). Let's just say it was quite the weekend of torture trying to figure out how to work all of the above.
Nonetheless, I managed to get everything to function properly & that being said, it's going to be a great week and many months & years to come.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Part five: C.O.M.M.I.T.M.E.N.T
New and old relationships (part four if you missed it is found here) require commitment, hence my next
& final part of my 2013 Ambitions series. Commitment is a strong word. It’s
a promise to another person in your life. It’s like a seed blossoming into a
flower: you meet someone (that’s the seed), you start talking more & more
(that’s the watering), then finally after more time passes, you realize how
much that person means to you because they have true value in your life (that’s
the blossoming flower).
Any true relationship requires time, energy, communication,
and commitment.
Part five: C.O.M.M.I.T.M.E.N.T.
Don’t let this word scare you. It scared me at first, but
then I gave it a chance and started to understand the true meaning of it.
Commitment doesn’t have to be a scary thing! It can, in fact, be a very amazing
thing if you just give it a second thought and allow time to be on your side.
I have decided to focus more on my commitment to friends,
family and God. I want to improve my relationships with the people I love and most of all, I want to create a better bond between God and myself this year. I have been lazy these
last few years and that is not an excuse. My new ambition for this year is to
give commitment more attention and strengthen my friendships using this simple
word as part of my foundation.
One commitment I want to focus on the most is the one with our heavenly father, God. I’d like to build a stronger relationship with Him because I know He is & always will be there for me & I have been neglecting that as of late. I believe it
will be a good thing for myself & for Justin to have this bond reignited. I know I can turn to Him whenever I am going through difficult times or when I just want to be thankful & grateful for another day to live in
this beautiful life.
I am really looking forward to see what is to come later
down the road just by giving my new & dear friend “commitment” another
chance. I will not let the busyness of my life get in the way; I will put more
energy into my friends, family and God.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Part four: N.E.W. & O.L.D. R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P.S.
Happy Thursday y'all! Hope everyone has had an amazing week so far :) I should have posted this for my "love" post, but figured it was just as fitting for this post...
So the last portion of my Ambition series was about
happiness (and you can find that post here), which is very crucial to living a
healthy and positive life. The next ambition I have is to develop new,
everlasting relationships as well as rekindle a few old relationships that
might have been abandoned, or possibly forgotten to an extent.
Part four: N.E.W. & O.L.D. R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P.S.
Relationships are wonderful things. They bring two
completely polar opposite people together or two peas-in-a-pod similar people together. These
bonds allow people to confide within one another rather than just themselves. These
relationships can range from a romantic, loving connection to just an amazing &
lasting friendship. Regardless of what kinds of relationships you make, do ensure
that you are putting forth enough energy into it and not just letting it go to waste.
"You don't realize how many treasures you have until you lose them."
Ever since I have graduated college, started my job, and
literally had to move to a different state, I have learned that the friends you
should keep close are the ones that put forth the same amount of effort into
the friendship as you. They are the ones that are still always there for you
whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, a willing audience to listen to your
venting, or just someone to have a nice, reminiscing chat with on an ordinary
Basically, my ambition involving new & old relationships
is to indulge more energy into rekindling my old relationships and venturing out to meet new people, especially in my career field.
I want to surround myself with positive and optimistic
people who bring me up, not bring me down. This ties into my last post in
regards to happiness, which involves being both happy & optimistic.
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