Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 Ambitions Series

Waves are probably my favorite thing to listen to. They are so calming and just simply amazing. This picture was taken on my last treck out to the beach in California before I moved to Wyoming. Saying farewell to this beautiful landscape was hard, but definitely a moment to remember.

Somehow these waves gave me a sense of hope and gratitude for the future. Standing on those rocks, reminiscing on all of the good times I had in California, made me feel content with where I was at in my life. To this day, I am still content and satisfied with what I have accomplished in 2012! Now, I am on to the next chapter of my life and it all started with new ambitions for 2013.

I would like to share my new, self-fulfilling outlook on 2013: life, love, happiness, new & old relationships and commitment.

Photo by Jenni D

Photo by Jenni D

Part one: L.I.F.E
The last few days, I have been reading two to three books at a time, but two of them go hand-in-hand with each other: “The Road Ahead” & “The God who Sees You.” Both of these books have been inspirational as far as my spiritual growth goes and have given me hope for what the future can bring to my life.

Life is a blessing and so many people in today’s society take advantage of everyday they’re given. This ever-so-simple statement didn’t hit home until I picked up the two books listed above and started enveloping myself in its pages, trying to understand each chapter. Every time I get my head in those books, I feel a sense of gratitude and appreciation for finally picking them up to read! So far, I have learned that I must trust in Him and allow Him to guide me through life’s hurdles. And also, that I need to maintain a strong and healthy relationship with Him everyday.

One paragraph in “The God who Sees You” really slapped me in the face (in a good way):
Instead of rescuing us from our painful circumstances, for instance, He often uses those circumstances to strengthen us and mature us. Instead of solving our problems, He uses those problems to teach us patience and trust. Instead of rushing to our aid, He often makes us wait until the very last minute for our deliverance. We may not even know in this lifetime some of the things He has done to help us.
But that doesn’t mean God expects us to stumble blindly through our lives without a sense of His presence. In fact, the very opposite is true. The God of the Bible is all about relationships. He created you and me for intimacy with Him—which means He wants to connect with us.

Sometimes “life” can give you hard lessons to cope with and other lessons not so hard, but nonetheless, life’s lessons are meant to make us stronger. Therefore, I am choosing to be thankful everyday and cherish every memory. I want to enrich myself by being happy and positive more often and not allow myself to ruin a whole day by being upset, sad or angry. 

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I'm excited to hear your thoughts and reflections on this blog. You've already written so much already I can't get to it all in one sitting! :)
